World War 1
Readers Digest was founded by Sgt. Dewitt Wallace of the 35th Division who perfected his ability to summarize magazine articles as he was recovering from severe wounds he received in the Argonne Forest.
During service in Europe 829 trained pigeons flew 10,995 missions with American Naval Aviators; they accomplished 219 successful communications missions. Eleven were declared missing in action.
Major Charles Wittlesey used homing pigeons to let the American troops know of their whereabouts. One such home pigeon, “Cher Ami,” was nearly shot to death but kept flying until it reached its destination.
Over one-third of all men born in Britain between 1892 and 1895 were killed during the Great War.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Women have come a long way since women liberation movement. We are no longer objects for man to look at. We have been empowered. We can now ogle men without guilt, embarassment or shame. These are the few good men I think most women would love to ogle and google.
David Beckham
One of the few eligible guys in the world. Sexy smile, intelligent eyes and a personality to match that gorgeous physique.Been married once but don't seem to have excess baggages. No ex in sight, no kids and no drama.......definitely a better option than let's say Donald Trump. Definitely no Mickey Rourke, aged well and looks better with time.
Possibly the movie Up in the Air truly portray his inner self......commitment phobic. Well, at least he is true to himself and he has always been a one woman man. Even though the woman has never lasted long!! And finally I sense a change in taste. No more bartenders as arm candy.
Though looking haggard, tired and scruffy these days, don't write him off just yet. Who can blame him, six kids under 7, no doubt a beautiful but a real scary woman as a partner and the media all over him day and night. Not really someone I would to hook up with if he ever walks out of Ange.
His current appeal may not be in looks but the image he seems to portray. A devoted father, loving partner, how he support humanitarian causes and being a world ambassador.
P/S I secretly wish he will go back to Jennifer Aniston.
This is one gorgeous man. The face and body is to die for. What I admire most is the heart of steel. He has survived being sent off against Argentina in World 1998, he survived the hairdryer episode, survived Rebecca Loo's scandal, onslaught by fans of LA Galaxy. He must be the only player in the world that plays for two leagues in a year. That is how hardworking and dedicated he is to his profession and country.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Spring is here. This is a follow up of the beautiful looks that i loved. Buy, beg, steal or borrow to copy these looks.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
You think you are beautiful because of your big round eyes
You think you are beautiful because of your well toned bi
You think you are beautiful because you are more pixie than twiggy
Well, actually you are beautiful because
You have an uncanny ability to make grumpy adorable and angry cute
You are beautiful because despite your luck in love
You don't give in, you don't give up
You embrace whatever that comes your way
And despite life's harsh lessons you are as vulnerable today as you were yesterday!!
You think you are beautiful because you are a hip young mum. You think you are beautiful because you are sexier than your children's aunts.
You think you teach dance,
But no, you actually teach self belief, confidence and fun.
You walk in a teacher, but end up a friend.
Because of you, homebodies become somebody. That is why you are beautiful.
You don't think you are beautiful
You KNOW you are beautiful
I don't think you even know why
Maybe it's because you always think of others first
Maybe it's because it never about you
Maybe it's because you are equally committed to your career as to your family
But honestly i think it's those big beautiful eyes, scary as they may be
It has never strike you that you are beautiful. But you are. You are beautiful your smile linger longer than a memory
Your laughter can make the church bell ring
And your simple manner and manners are so enchanting
You are beautiful because you have such a beautiful face. You are beautiful because your hair is always chic.
But you are even more beautiful because you put your heart and soul in keeping your family together
To you your family is everything
And from them you ask for nothing
But to me you are most beautiful, when you are truly happy, carefree
Just doing your crazy dance!!
You are beautiful because of your well groomed ways
You are beautiful because of your quiet gentle sway
You are beautiful because of beautiful manicures
You are beautiful because you finally feel secure
You think you are beautiful because of your big sexy hair
You are sexy because of your perpetual flirtatious air
Well, it may be true
no one looks better in animal print than you
But you are beautiful because your generosity knows no boundary
No matter what, you are as happy as you can be
Some are beautiful just simply because they are true classic
Some are beautiful because of the youthful days
Some are beautiful because of their comical ways
Some are beautiful because of their small slanted eyes
But honestly none are too shy
Some are beautiful cause they are great at cooking, and big on blogging
But ALL are beautiful because they have remain true to themselves!!
Happy International Women's Day
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The game is fairly simple. The objective is to align three or more similar coloured gems by swapping a gem. Power gems are gems that glows brightly. When matched, they explode, causing massive point gain. They are form by matching either four gems in a line, or five gems in two intersecting lines of threes (ie. a cross, a T, or an L). Hypercubes are colourful vortices formed when five gems are aligned. When swapped, all the gems of that colour on the board are destroyed.
Are you having difficulty scoring in the blitz? Well, start by looking at how you are playing it. Are you using the touch-pad or a mouse? My advice is to use a mouse on a mouse-pad. The mouse-pad is optional but may allow faster and more precise movement. The touch-pad tires your hand too easily and movement becomes clumsy and slow.......a BIG NO NO if you want to score big. The best way would be to download the game into your iPhone or smartphone. Playing with your finger tip minimizes the chances for error, and is much quicker.
Contrary to popular believe, the game is not just about chance. It is actually a mind game. If you just try playing it slow and think before you swap your gem, you will find many options that are better than the one you are about to make. There are usually gems that can be aligned in four or five-gems configuration. You don't want to miss on this. Always do this first. The aim is to learn how to make better choices in a shorter time, like in life.
You want to create as many power gems and hypercubes as possible. As you become more experienced, you will realize that you can actually predict how your gems are going to fall. This will allow you to control your game, creating even more power gems and hypercubes. Don't be ruled by the random falling of the gems. Take charge of your own destiny.
Creating those power gems are of no use if you do not use them. You must try to swap them as soon as possible as this will increase your multipliers. These multipliers allow your scores to increase rapidly. As such you must try to align the multipliers as they appear. This will improve your average score. Though you want to be fast, you cannot be hasty. That will lead to mistakes, ie. you swap the wrong gem and you cannot align your multiplier immediately. If your game is at 2x or 3x multipliers, chances are your average will below 120k. To have a 300K score you will need to reach at least 5x multiplier, and 6x multiplier for 400k. Remember, try not to stay stagnant. You want to progress forward.
The decision when to use your hypercube is more difficult. If I have a multiplier on the screen I will try to align that first, if there is none, then I will usually use it immediately. Yes, you want to try to swap the gem that is highest in number. But PLEASE DO NOT count which coloured gem is highest in number before you swap it with hypercubes. A eyeballing estimated will do.
Speed may seem to be the essence of the game but that is only half true. You need to be really fast to reach blazing speed. However there is not much point if you fail to achieve the above. Again and again its always back to the multipliers. During the blazing speed, is easy to forget the fundamentals. NO. Always be on the lookout for four or five in a row. Always get rid of those multipliers!!!! You will be able to rack up higher scores.
If you don't achieve 2x multiplier by 50 seconds, start all over again. Don't waste even that one minute. Just tap menu and restart game. Usually by 34s, you should have achieve a 3x multiplier. Most of us like the sound on as it gives us the arcade feel but the warning sound during the last 10 seconds will tend to disrupt your concentration. Unless you are made of steel, I would suggest playing without the sound.
Last but not least, PRACTISE MAKES PERFECT!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
You are in a rush. You need to look good. You get dressed, put on your Manolo and grabbed the first bag you see. You make a dash for the door but backtrack to have a last look in the mirror. You look and say," My my, I do look good if I do say so myself even if it WAS with a bit of help. But girl! That Gucci is SO last season!" Must remember to go shop for some essentials next week ..........a new IT handbag or two, a Cartier ring and maybe, just maybe a new Bvlgari watch.
Your eyes scan the house, something is just not quite right. Your room is the size of a low cost house, you have four rooms not inclusive of the guest's, all with attach. Your car porch parks 5 cars and there is a servant quarter. The kitchen is Italian make, yet you think "what is it that is you need?" Suddenly it hits need a better address!!
You thought you heard some noise while you turned a corner. Your wife thinks you are imagining things. You are kinda sure of it. You think maybe you need to send it in for servicing. On second thought, you think maybe it's time to get a new car, after all this one is 18 months old. You deserve it! The new C-class would be nice if not for a 14 months waiting list!
What will the Gucci clutch, Cartier ring and Bvlgari watch mean to you if you finally got a son after nine years of trying and waiting. True, you have 3 kids; fifteen, twelve and nine, beautiful but they are all girls. And finally your husband has somebody to carry his surname. He is so small, fragile and precious, there is no way you are going to let the maid take care of him. Your husband and you decided that your sister would be the best person to babysit. After four blissful years, your son is now almost a man. You drop him at your sister's place as usual before going to work. You bid him goodbye not knowing it will be for good. You wish you had cast a longer look at him, hug him a little tighter if you knew he would run out of the house to greet his cousin only to be met by a oncoming school bus, dying on the spot.
What would a better address mean to you if your husband was dying of cancer in his forties. His dying wish was to have his ashes scattered in the Ganges river. A year later you have finally come to terms with his death. You and your family decided to go to India to fulfill your husband"s final wish. Your entourage includes yourself, your fifteen year old son, twelve year old daughter, your uncle and a few other relatives. You all say your prayers while the ashes are being scattered. You all were walking back to the hotel after the ceremony and a bus comes and kills your fifteen old son. What will anything mean after that!
What will a Mercedes Benz mean to you if you reversed your car and killed your 5 year old child. Your family forgives you but you cannot never forgive yourself. Guilt then becomes a disease that doesn't kill but consume you day and night, rotting you from the inside.
Life is such.....these are all true stories. Tragic it may be but life goes on. The first lady went on with life, the husband did not speak to her sister for a while. They seek comfort in each other and their three beautiful daughters. One fine day 5 years later, she had a call from a lady who used to work as their maid. There is a child she has been babysitting and the mom has not come visit for 6 months. She is about to give the child up to the police, UNLESS the family want the boy. So husband and wife went to see the child in an Indonesian squatter neighbourhood, and by evening they had a son again.
Sometimes things happen and you ask why, why me?? Well it is not just you.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I went through all designers from A to C featured in the 2010 spring ready-to-wear collection; a grand total of about 80 designers and almost 2500 designs. And these are what I loved.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Some people come into your life without warning or being invited. If you did not welcome them, you will not realize what you will miss. One of them was my firstborn almost 20 years ago. Despite the precautions we took, he had to enter our life. He was a bundle of joy to us but not for long. We look back at those 19 plus years and say no regret, or we should we say too late to regret. I think he is a bright and intelligent but not as bright or as intelligent as he thinks. He is kind, thoughtful and well mannered but he has yet to make us proud.
Another was our dog. Without invitation, he walked into our home and life on that fateful day of the eclipse 2009......tiny, black and hopeful. Not a dog lover, we were full of reluctance but those endearing eyes just melted our heart away. He is bright and intelligent (more than he knows). Confident and mild mannered, we cannot help being proud of him.
My eldest daughter is the only one who came as planned. Even her birth date was predetermined. We were so eager to receive her that we forced her into this world prematurely. We will never know if this has affected her permanently. She is one person who is full of contradictions. She is gangly yet graceful. flat footed yet not, she is quiet yet noisy, beautiful yet ugly. Chinese yet her lips say she is black.
This is the difficult one. A wise person once said, if you think things can't get worse, its only probably you lack sufficient imagination. Well, we had no imagination at all when we took our adopted son in. The first three years were the most difficult part of our life. Its like picking a boy out of all wilderness. He was lost, oblivious and stupid (I think he still is). After almost four year of teaching, nurturing and repeated killing, there is only a trace of the old him. In this case, I have to say I am proud of us.
The baby of the family was the reluctant one. We tried having her for a long time before she decided to join us. She has grown into a mature, pretty young lady. She is however too precocious, too outgoing and has hormone oozing out of her every pore. We have decided to put her and not the dog on the leash. The only thing bigger than her personality is her nose.
This one came into our home on the pretension of looking for a job. She is one hell of a character and bigger hell of a driver. She is one who gets under your skin and burrow her way deep into the heart, whether you like it or not. Although our life may not crumble without her, our house definitely will.
Then there is one who actually had the privilege of receiving us into our new house. Jobless and penniless at that time she has decided to be part of our family. She is one who has a great need to love and be loved. She can be spontaneous and rash at times, to the point of causing many to worry. But these exact qualities and the air of naivety about her is what makes her fresh, and beautiful inside out.
And there are those who entered our life because they know somebody who know somebody. They had the connection, and that connection was love. Some came in timid, shy, unsure of herself and more unsure of us. Then there are those who were comfortable from the word go.
Its true, without us, there is no them
Without them, there will be no worries, headache or heartbreak
Without them, there will be no pain, quarrels and squabbles
But without them, there will be no joy or laughter
No home-cooked food or air of festivity
There will be no live music or spontaneity
Without them, we will not learn about patience, hope and second chances
Without them we will not know the true meaning of giving and forgiving
Without them, we will not be able to build a foundation
And try to pass on a legacy
Without them, the house will not be a home
Without them, the backyard will not be our playground
Our hard work and reason for living will amount to nothing
Without them, LOVE will not multiply. XXXXXXX
(P/S. Feel like joining us?....... take a number!
Monday, February 22, 2010
In the good old days, the only definition of pressure we know is "force per unit area". In the good old days life was simple. Black was black and white was white; with no shades of gray, and TV programmes were made interesting by cumi and ciki. Those were the days when choices were not in our option, a letter IS the mail, and friends doesn't come in a box-set.

In the good old days, mom brought their kids up single handedly, mom multitasked even before the word existed and mom always knows best. Those were the days when characters like Fonzy were frowned upon and Casper would have scared the hell out of us.
In the good old days, we knew our neighbours, and they know us. In the good old days, life had its own set ways. TV programmes did not start till 4 pm and ended at 11 sharp. Our superhero was P. Ramlee. RTM was MTV, and 'siaran tergendala' was equivalent to 'whatever!'. In those days, when we had music videos, people had their clothes on.
In the good old days, there were no Monday blues and no TGI Friday because monotony ruled with an iron fist! Everyday was same old, same old. In the good old days, watching NoorKumalasari and Sudirman on Hiburan Minggu Ini was the highlight of our week, second only to the Donny and Marie show.
But those were the days. We can't turn back time and am not sure we want to. Now kids are brought up with self help books, finding a virgin is more difficult than finding betamax, Fifty Cent is a name and not half a dollar. Now fame does not even last 15 minutes, reality is a commodity to be sold to cable TV and diaries are meant to be opened and read by everyone!! Welcome to the blogging world Betty!!
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