Monday, February 22, 2010


In the good old days, the only definition of pressure we know is "force per unit area". In the good old days life was simple. Black was black and white was white; with no shades of gray, and TV programmes were made interesting by cumi and ciki. Those were the days when choices were not in our option, a letter IS the mail, and friends doesn't come in a box-set.

In the good old days, we knew our neighbours, and they know us. In the good old days, life had its own set ways. TV programmes did not start till 4 pm and ended at 11 sharp. Our superhero was P. Ramlee. RTM was MTV, and 'siaran tergendala' was equivalent to 'whatever!'. In those days, when we had music videos, people had their clothes on.

In the good old days, there were no Monday blues and no TGI Friday because monotony ruled with an iron fist! Everyday was same old, same old. In the good old days, watching NoorKumalasari and Sudirman on Hiburan Minggu Ini was the highlight of our week, second only to the Donny and Marie show.

In the good old days, mom brought their kids up single handedly, mom multitasked even before the word existed and mom always knows best. Those were the days when characters like Fonzy were frowned upon and Casper would have scared the hell out of us.

But those were the days. We can't turn back time and am not sure we want to. Now kids are brought up with self help books, finding a virgin is more difficult than finding betamax, Fifty Cent is a name and not half a dollar. Now fame does not even last 15 minutes, reality is a commodity to be sold to cable TV and diaries are meant to be opened and read by everyone!! Welcome to the blogging world Betty!!